Wednesday, February 8, 2012 (11)Psyllium Husk இஸ்போகல்

Psyllium husk (Plantago psyllium)


இதுவே நாம் இஸ்போகல் வித்து என்று அழைப்பது. இஸ்போகல்னப்படும் இதனை மலத்தை இளக்கவும்,கொழுப்பைக்குறைக்கவும் பயன்படுத்துவர்.

The popular name assigned to the plant genus Plantago is also known as psyllium.

 The seeds of this plant are widely used for its mucilage. The varied species of Plantago known as psyllium or Indian plantago are annual herbs which are native to the Mediterranean region of southern Europe and North Africa.

The word psyllium is said to have originated from a Greek word for a flea, which explains the size, shape, and whitish color of the seed, which is the most important commercial part of this plant.
The stemless annual bears dark green leaves arranged alternately in a basal rosette, giving rise to an erect spike of dull, wind-pollinated flowers.

Psyllium is quickly becoming one of the top recommendations for people using low-carb Atkins-style diets. It is very difficult to get enough fibre in a diet when you eliminate the carbohydrates in cereals, whole grains and fruits. Psyllium capsules are an easy way to take care of this problem. It fills you with fibre, reducing appetite without overstimulating the nervous system; a much healthier approach than formulas containing ephedra such as Herbalife or Metabolife.
Psyllium is the husk of the seed of the Plantain and is a top herb used in weight control and for general intestinal health. It contains a spongy fiber that reduces appetite, improves digestion and cleanses the system, making it an excellent choice for healthy dieting. Psyllium can provide the fiber that is missing on low carbohydrate diets. Every 100 grams of psyllium provides 71 grams of soluble fiber; a similar amount of oat bran would contain only 5 grams of soluble fiber. Only recently have scientists learned that soluble fiber has unique effects on metabolism. Just take one or two capsules with a glass of water or Yerba Mate diet tea, half hour before meals. The herb also provides a feeling of fullness that is helpful before meals. Psyllium is one of the simplest, healthiest and most effective herbs for weight control.
Psyllium has also been used for irritable bowel syndrome (a stress-related disorder with alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation). Because it will produce easy bowel movements with a loose stool, Psyllium is used by patients with anal fissures (cracks in the skin near the anus) and hemorrhoids and is often recommended following anal or rectal surgery, during pregnancy and as a secondary treatment in certain types of diarrhea.
Psyllium soaks up a significant amount of water in the digestive tract, thereby making stool firmer and, under these circumstances, slower to pass. Psyllium also has the additional advantages over other sources of fiber of reducing flatulence and bloating. It may be recommended by a physician to help soften stool and reduce the pain associated with hemorrhoids.
இது மேன்மையான மருந்து. மலத்தைஇலகுவாக்குகிறது. குடலுக்காக மருந்துகள் எடுக்குமுன்பு உங்கள் எண்ணத்தில் வரவேண்டியது இதுவே!

In a study of people with ulcerative colitis (a type of inflammatory bowel disorder), psyllium seeds were as shown to be as effective as the prescription drug mesalamine in decreasing recurrences of the disease. In addition, a physician may recommend the use of psyllium as a bulking agent for mild to moderate cases of diarrhea from either ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease (another type of inflammatory bowel disorder).
Research reported in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concludes that the use of soluble-fiber cereals is an effective and well-tolerated part of a prudent diet for the treatment of mild to moderate Hypercholesterollaemia. Soluble fibers such as those in psyllium husk, guar gum, and oat bran have a cholesterol-lowering effect when added to a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. Studies reported in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition have shown psyllium to be quite effective in lowering total as well as LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels, which can be helpful to those with high cholesterol and those at increased risk for developing hypercholesterolemia, such as people with type 2 diabetes.
Studies and clinical reports suggest that psyllium may enhance the sensation of fullness and reduce hunger cravings. For these reasons, incorporating psyllium and other sources of fiber into the diet may aid weight loss.
For those simply wishing to improve digestion and intestinal tract health, a single capsule per day is all that is needed.

A word of caution

Excessive intake of psyllium seeds in any form might be allergic to individuals therefore it is advisable to intake these seeds only after prescriptions from doctor.

Sunday, December 18, 2011 (10) NOCHI -நொச்சி

Vitex trifolia Linn. நொச்சி

இது மூவிலைகளைக் கொண்டது.

An aromatic large shrub or small tree of about 3 meters in height with quadrangular branches; leaves opposite, estipulate, long petioled and 3-4 foliate. Flowers light blue in terminal panicled cymes; fruits globose or ovoid or obovoid, black when ripe.


Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, arthritis, inflammations, lumbago, headache, dyspepsia, colic, dysentery, wounds, ulcers, bronchitis, cough, hemorrhoids, dysmenorrhea and general debility.  

Useful part :
Whole part

  1. .The leaves are made into small pieces tied in bundles , heated and used for fomentation or ottradam in swellings, arthritis and pain all over the body due to increased pain  etc.
  2. The decoction of the root is given for vatha diseases, burning sensation of urethra, abdominal pain, intestinal worms etc.
  3. The leaf juice is prepared as oil and applied over the head for the inflammation around the neck.
  4. For head ache, sinusitis the leaves are used to prepare a pillow and is proved to be very effective for these conditions.
  5. The leaves are put in water, boiled and used for steam inhalation, perspiration occurs and this is an effective remedy for fever and body pain due to derrangement of vatham.
 In most of the Malay houses we can see these trees.They are grown for their benefits to human kind. When a child is born the mothes and drinks this decoction.
 For further details contact                         (10)


Thursday, December 8, 2011 (9)Cabbage முட்டைகோஸ்
Our Daily Food Serves As Our Medicine
Yes! What ever we eat there is a vital value in it. Be it fruits, vegetables or grains and even flowers contain a lot of vitamins. But we don't tend to know the nutritious value in it; nor we care about it. Like other leaf vegetables, cabbage contains vitamin K, the blood-clotting vitamin produced naturally by bacteria in our intestines.
 Additional intake of vitamin K may reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulants (warfarin, Coumadin, Panwarfin), so that larger doses may be required cooked. For Cancers And ulcers Don't think less about cabbage. After the 5th day of giving birth the breast will be tight and painful and the pain will pave her to get fever . Just apply 2or3 leaves under the bra and the pain will vanish off.
For chronic ulcer drink the fresh juice one or two times along with Siddha medicine and you will be cured.
Cabbages are also a good source of riboflavin.
 Nutritive Values of Cabbage (Per 100 gm) Protection against certain cancers. Naturally occurring chemicals (indoles, isothiocyanates, glucosinolates, dithiolethiones, and phenols) in cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and other cruciferous vegetables appear to reduce the risk of some cancers, perhaps by preventing the formation of carcinogens in your body or by blocking cancer-causing substances from reaching or reacting with sensitive body tissues or by inhibiting the transformation of healthy cells to malignant ones .

. Cabbage and lettuce differ in their nutritional content, composition and taste. Though they are both considered to be leafy green vegetables, cabbage is generally eaten cooked while lettuce is often left uncooked  Cabbage has a slightly thicker leaf, often with a purple tinge. Lettuce is thinner and more chewable. Both contain many vitamins and minerals with little calories and fat. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors.
 Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors are drugs used to treat depression.
They inactivate naturally occurring enzymes in your body that metabolize tyramine, a substance found in many fermented or aged foods. Tyramine constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure. If you eat a food such as saucer  kraut which is high in tyramine while you are taking an Mnticoagulants.

There are three different types of Cabbage- green, red and Savoy. The red and green cabbages are crinkly in texture and crunchier than the Savoy variety. Whatever the variety is the inside is cleaner and of lighter colour. Even though the inside of the cabbage is clean you should cut the cabbage and wash under running water. Sometimes worms or insects can appear in cabbages grown organically and inspection and cleaning is a must.

To cut cabbage into smaller pieces, first quarter it and remove the core and then cut into slices of varying thickness, grated by hand or shredded in a food processor.

 Like other leaf vegetables, cabbage contains vitamin K, the blood-clotting vitamin produced naturally by bacteria in our intestines. Additional intake of vitamin K may reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulants (warfarin, Coumadin, Panwarfin), so that larger doses may be requiredAO inhibitor, you cannot effectively eliminate the tyramine from your body. The result may be a hypertensive crisis Always it is preferable to eat raw.
You may wash it with salt water, then the germs bacteria will come out  and then eat as it is. You may sprinkle a bit of pepper or chilly and onions ans a bit of salt.

PURPLE CABBAGE is richer than usual one in vitamins and in money voice.
Consist of more vitamins so it costs more.; but the activities and the benefits are more or less the same.
When you cut open do remember to clean it leaf by leaf because it may contain minute germs ,

இயற்கையின்  அருட்கொடைகள் அனைத்தும் மனிதனுக்கு ஏதோ வகையில் பயன்பட்டு வருகிறது.  உலகில் மனிதன் தன் தேவைக்காக இயற்கையை அதிகம் பயன்படுத்துகிறான்.
மனித இனம் தோன்றிய காலம் முதலே அவர்களுக்கு காய், கொடி, கீரை, பழம் என பல வகைகளில் இயற்கையானது உணவளித்து வருகிறது.
இதையே சித்தர்களும் ஞானிகளும், அன்றாடம் உண்ணும் உணவின் மூலம் எப்படி ஆரோக்கியத்தை வளர்த்துக்கொள்வது என்பதையும், அவற்றை எக்காலங்களில் உண்ணவேண்டும், எப்படி உண்ணவேண்டும் என்பதை தெளிவாகக் கூறியுள்ளனர்.
இப்படி அன்றாட உணவில் நாம் சேர்த்துக்கொள்ளும் காய்கள், கீரைகள், பழங்களின்  மருத்துவக் குணங்களை நம் ஒவ்வொரு இதழிலும் அறிந்து வருகிறோம்.  அந்த வகையில் நாம் அடிக்கடி உபயோகிக்கும் முட்டைகோஸ் பற்றி தெரிந்து கொள்வோம்.
முட்டை கோஸ் கீரை வகையைச் சேர்ந்தது.  இதன் கொழுந்து உருண்டையாகக் காணப்படும்.  இதனையோ உணவாகப் பயன்படுத்துகிறோம்.
இதில் உயிர்ச்சத்துக்கள், தாதுக்கள் நிறைந்துள்ளன.  உடலுக்கு ஊட்டம் தரும் உணவாகும்.  உடல் வளர்ச்சிக்கு முட்டை கோஸ்  மிகவும் சிறந்தது.
முட்டைகோஸின் மேல் பகுதியில் மூடியிருக்கும் முற்றிய காய்ந்த இலைகளை நீக்கிவிட்டு சிறிதாக நறுக்கி பாசிப்பயறுடன் சேர்த்து கூட்டாகவோ அல்லது பொரியலாகவோ செய்து சாப்பிடலாம்.
முட்டைகோஸ் உண்பதால் ஏற்படும் நன்மைகள்
கண் பார்வைக் கோளாறுகளைப் போக்கும்.  கண் பார்வை நரம்புகளை சீராக இயங்கச் செய்யும்.  இதில் உள்ள வைட்டமின் ஏ சத்து கண் பார்வைக்கு சிறந்தது.
மூல நோயின் பாதிப்பைக் குறைக்கும். அஜீரணத்தால் உண்டாகும் வயிற்றுவலியை நீக்கும்.
சரும வறட்சியை நீக்கும். சருமத்திற்கு பொலிவைக் கொடுக்கும்.
வியர்வைப் பெருக்கியாக செயல்படும்.  சிறுநீரை நன்கு பிரித்து வெளியேற்றும்.
எலும்புகளுக்கு வலு கொடுக்கும்.  இதில் சுண்ணாம்புச்சத்து அதிகமிருப்பதால் எலும்புகளும் பற்களும் உறுதியாகும்.
பெண்களுக்கு மெனோபாஸ் காலங்களில் உண்டாகும் கால்சியம், பாஸ்பரஸ் இழப்பை முட்டைகோஸ் ஈடுசெய்யும்.
நரம்புகளுக்கு வலு கொடுக்கும்.  நரம்புத் தளர்ச்சியைப் போக்கும்.
தொற்று நோய்கள் ஏற்படாமல் தடுக்கும்.  உடலுக்கு நோய் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தியை அதிகரிக்கும்.
முட்டைகோஸை நீரில் போட்டு சிறிது நேரம் ஊறவைத்து அந்த நீரைக் கொண்டு முகம் கழுவினால் வறட்சியான சருமம் பளபளப்படையும்.
உடல் சூட்டைத் தணிக்கும்.  நாள்பட்ட மலச்சிக்கலைப் போக்கும்.  குடல் சளியைப் போக்கும்.  இரத்தத்தை சுத்தப்படுத்தும்.
தலைமுடி உதிர்வதைக் குறைக்கும்.  மயிர்க்கால்களுக்கு பலம் கொடுக்கும்.
முட்டைகோஸின் பயன்களை அறிந்து அதனை நம் உணவில் சேர்த்து நீண்ட ஆரோக்கியம் பெறுவோமாக..!
நன்றி – ஹெல்த் சாய

Sunday, June 12, 2011 (8)Zingiber officinal இஞ்சி
Ginger    Zingiber officinal    இஞ்சி

 Is used as an aromatic carminative and pungent appetite stimulant;

சுக்குக்கு மிஞ்சிய மருந்தில்லையாம்! 
காய்ந்த இஞ்சி தான் சுக்கு!

பிள்ளைகளே தெரிந்துக்கொள்ளுங்கள்!

This is a good remedy for digestion.
Everybody knows ginger. We consume ginger in our daily food but with out knowing their full beneficialness. For seasoning meat or chicken we need to simmer in ginger. This makes the meat tender and easy to digest.
Ginger is effective against nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness, pregnancy, and postoperative recovery; it also may be effective and safe for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting..
Ginger is an effective pain-killer against chronic knee pain.

Do you know when your wife cooks things with ginger it helps to churn fat?

It also prevents blood clots, probably better than aspirin and also helps reducing the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides that clogs arteries. Pharmacology
Anti-inflammatory: gingerol is capable of suppressing the inflammatory effect of severe arthritis when treated with Ginger oil.

Ginger may help, suggests a study published in a recent issue of Osteoarthritis Cartilage.
Anti-tumor: this is one of the herbs possessing the highest anti-tumor activities.

 (chemically, gingerol is a relative of capsaisin) are the main active components in Ginger and responsible for its distinctive flavor, it may also inhibit the growth of human colorectal cancer cells.
Results suggest that Ginger compounds may be effective chemo - preventive and/or chemotherapeutic agents for colorectal carcinomas
Antioxidant: A number of animal studies have shown that Ginger lowers cholesterol levels.
Experimental animal data suggest a strong positive effect of the Ginger on plasma lipid composition that may be important for the prevention of atherosclerotic events

.Motion sickness: for preventing seasickness and motion sickness.
Nausea: prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting in women. For women looking for relief from their nausea, dry retching, and vomiting, the use of ginger in early pregnancy will reduce their symptoms to an equivalent extent as vitamin B6.
The substance that gives Zingiber officinale its flavor (gingerol) may inhibit the growth of human colorectal cancer cells, according to research at a major meeting of oncology experts in the US.

Ginger compounds may be effective chemo preventive- and /or chemotherapeutic agents for colorectal carcinomas.

Plants of the Ginger (Zingiberaceae) family have been credited with therapeutic- and preventive properties and have been reported to have anti-cancer activity.

Ginger (For all applications make a tea (1 tea spoon / cup).
Let the tea simmer for 10 - 20 minutes.
Precautions / drug interactions
Ginger can enhance the anticoagulant effect of Warfarin (Coumadin), leading to an increased risk of bleeding.
H2-blockers / Proton pump inhibitors: Ginger may antagonize activity by increasing stomach acid production.
Antihypertensives: Ginger may cause additive hypotensive effects.
Hypoglycemics / Insulin: Ginger may cause additive reductions in blood glucose.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011 (7) Sesbania Grandiflora அகத்திக்கீரை


Sesbania grandiflora

அகத்தின் அழுக்குகளை நீக்குமாம் அகத்திக்கீரை
Humming Bird Tree
   Sesbania Grandiflora  as it is called  Agathi in Tamil is used in cooking in IndiaSri LankaMalaysiaIndonesiaVietnam , mainly in the South east Asia pacific regions wherein its widely grown and eaten.There are two varieties grown in Malaysia. But the red variety is of more medicinal use and  is very rare to be seen.
The tender leaves, green fruit, and flowers are eaten alone as a vegetable or mixed into curries or salads. Flowers cooked with green peas serves as a tonic for weakening hearts. Tender portions serve as cattle fodder, (overeating is said to cause diarrhea). Ripe pods apparently are not eaten. The inner bark can serve as fiber and the white, soft wood not too durable, can be used for cork. The wood is used, like bamboo, in Asian construction. The tree is grown as an ornamental shade tree, and for reforestation
Eating Agathi keerai has a lot of benefits -

It is a tonic
It is cooling
It helps in digestion
It will cure ulcers in the stomach
It is a laxative
It balances pitta and kapha
It is an antidote for poisons
It is good for fever
It cures insanity
It is a very satvic food
Crushed leaves are applied to sprains and bruises of all kinds.
A tea made from the leaves is believed to have antibiotic, anti-thelmintic(a medication capable of causing the evacuation of parasitic intestinal worms), antitumour and contraceptive properties.
The principal medicinal effects are due to the trees’ astringency, hence it is used against inflammation, venom and other poisons, bacterial infections and tumors.
. In Java, the tree is extensively used as a pulp source. A gum resembling kino (called katurai), fresh when red, nearly black after exposure, exudes from wounds. This astringent gum is partially soluble in water and in alcohol, but applied to fishing cord, it makes it more durable.
 Pepper vines (Piper nigrum) are sometimes grown on and in the shade of the agati. According to NAS (1980a), this small tree produces firewood, forage, pulp and paper, food, and green manure and appears to hold promise for reforesting eroded and grassy wastelands throughout the tropics. It combines well with agriculture in areas where trees are not normally grown and becomes an important fuel wood source. Dried and powdered bark is used as a cosmetic in Java.
 Allen and Allen enumerated three undesirable features (1) short lived (2) shallow-rooted and subject to wind throw, and (3) prolific seeder, the pods often considered a litter. An aqueous extract of bark is said to be toxic to cockroaches. 

Folk Medicine

The juice from the flowers is used to treat headache, head congestion, or stuffy nose. As a snuff, the juice is supposed to clear the nasal sinuses. Leaves are poultice onto bruises. Rheumatic swellings are rubbed with aqueous decoctions of the powdered roots of the red-flowered variant.
In Siddha we do not recommend these leaves when under gong any treatment for it has a great effect in reducing the medicinal effect.  It has to be eaten as any dish once a month to neutralize the body.  This is recommended to reduce biliousness; so for giddiness and over hypertention this herb is recommended.
 Yunani consider the tonic leaves useful in biliousness, fever, and nyctalopia. Indians apply the roots in rheumatism, the juice of the leaves and flowers for headache and nasal catarrh. Mixed with stramonium and pasted, the root is poulticed onto painful swellings. In Amboina, flower juice is squeezed into the eye to correct dim vision. The bark is used in infusions for smallpox. Cambodians consider the flowers emollient and laxative, the bark for diarrhea, dysentery, and palladium.
Malayans apply crushed leaves to sprains and contusions. They gargle with the leaf juice to cleanse the mouth and throat. In small doses, the bark is used for dysentery and sprue, in large doses, laxative, in still larger doses, emetic. Pounded bark is applied to scabies. Philippines use the pounded bark for hemoptysis. The powdered bark is also recommended for ulcers of the mouth and alimentary canal. In Java, the bark is used for thrush and infantile disorders of the stomach. Leaves are chewed to disinfect the mouth and throat.

                351 JALAN IPOH    KUALA LUMPUR  
                 03-40413505    or  0340413041    or 0162500004                                                  (7)

Friday, May 6, 2011 (6) BITTER GOURD பாகற்காய்

This extremely bitter-tasting veggie it's disliked by almost everyone. But we'll tell you why they are good for you... 

பாகற்காயின் அருமை பெருமைகள் தெரியாமல் பலர் தமது சின்னஞ்சிறு பாலகர்களுக்கு அதனை சிறு வயதிலேயே ஊட்டி வளர்கத்தவறுகின்றனர்.இது மிகப்பெரியத்தவறு என்பதை உணரவும் தவறுகின்றனர்.

Bitter gourd more popularly known as karela, not only looks ugly according to some people but is gained notoriety for its extremely bitter taste. Scores of adults, youth and children frown the moment they see this vegetable served on their plates. This uneven textured green vegetable is good for one's health. It contains a lots of vitamins and nutrients and is especially highly beneficial for diabetics for lowering down their blood sugar. Here are some benefits of the karela: 

- Bitter gourd contains a hypoglycemic compound i.e.
plant insulin that is very effective in keeping blood sugar levels down. This is known to increase the glucose intolerance in people suffering from diabetes mellitus.

 Bitter melon is one of the best
vegetable-fruit that helps improvediabetic and toxemia conditions.

- Having two tables spoons of karela juice mixed with equal amounts of onion and lime juice is beneficial in treating early stages of cholera. 

Bitter gourd contains good amount of beta carotene, which is highly beneficial for maintaining and improving one's eyesight. 

- The bitter taste of this vegetable is known to boost the immune system. 

- Drinking two tablesspoons of bitter gourd juice along with a glass of buttermilk and having it thrice a day is said to be beneficial in treating piles. 

Bitter  gourd contains vitamin A, B1, B2, and C. It also contains minerals like calcium, phosphorous, iron, copper and potassium. From the  Siddha and ayurvedic perspective, bitter gourd is excellent for balancing Kapha. It helps purify blood tissue, enhances digestion, and stimulates the liver.

To prepare bitter gourd for cooking, wash thoroughly, then cut in half lengthwise and scrape out the seeds with a sharp spoon or corer and discard. Cut or slice as called for in your recipe, and blanch for 3-4 minutes in boiling water to which a little salt has been added. Drain.
If you find that you cannot eat bitter gourd by itself, you can add some to other dishes such as vegetable soups and lentils to take advantage of its therapeutic properties.
இளங்காய் மற்றும் லேசாக பழுத்த பாகற்காய்களை எடுத்து, நன்கு கழுவி சுத்தம் செய்ய வேண்டும். பின் சிறு, சிறு துண்டுகளாக மைய வெட்டி, நீரில் ஒரு மணி நேரம் ஊறவைத்து, பின் அதே நீருடன் மிக்ஸியில் போட்டு மைய அரைத்து, பிழிந்து வைத்துக் கொள்ள வேண்டும். இதனை 60 முதல் 120 மிலி வாரம் ஒரு முறை குடித்து வரலாம்.
சித்த மருந்து உட்கொள்பவர்கள் பாகற்காயை தவிர்க்க வேண்டியுள்ளதால் பாகற்காய்க்கு பதிலாக பிஞ்சு பாகலை உட்கொள்ளலாம். இது பத்தியத்திற்கு ஏற்றதாகும். சர்க்கரை நோயாளிகள் ஏற்கனவே தாங்கள் உட்கொள்ளும் மருந்துகளுடன் பாகற்காய் கசாயம் அல்லது பாகற்காய் சாறை சேர்த்துக் கொள்ளலாம்.
வாரம் ஒருமுறையோ அல்லது இரண்டு முறையோ பாகற்காய் சாறு 10 முதல் 20 மில்லியளவு அதிகாலை வெறும் வயிற்றில் குடித்து வர, ரத்தத்தில் இன்சுலின் அளவு அதிகரிக்கும். அடிக்கடி உணவில் பாகற்காயை சேர்த்து வர, கணையம் இன்சுலினை நன்று சுரக்க ஆரம்பிக்கும். நிலப்பாகல் அல்லது மிதிப்பாகலை நாம் உணவுடன் சேர்த்து உட்கொள்ளலாம்.
Energy:  Regular consumption of bitter gourd juice has been proven to improve energy and stamina level.  Even sleeping patterns have been shown to be improved/stabilized.

Eye problems:  The high beta-carotene and other properties in bitter gourd makes it one of the finest vegetable-fruit that help alleviate eye problems and improving eyesight.

Hangover:  Bitter melon juice may be beneficial in the treatment of a hangover for its alcohol intoxication properties.  It also help cleanse and repair and nourish liver problems due to alcohol consumption.

Immune booster:  This bitter juice can also help to build your immune system and increase your body's resistance against infection.
Piles:  Mix three teaspoonfuls of juice from bitter melon leaves with a glassful of buttermilk. Take this every morning on empty stomach for about a month and see an improvement to your condition.  To hasten the healing, use the paste of the roots of bitter melon plant and apply over the piles.

Psoriasis:  Regular consumption of this bitter juice has also been known to improve psoriasis condition and other fungal infections like ring-worm and athletes feet.

Respiratory disorders:  Take two ounces of fresh bitter melon juice and mix with a cup of honey diluted in water.  Drink daily to improve asthma, bronchitis and pharyngitis.

Toxemia:  Bitter gourd contains beneficial properties that cleanses the blood from toxins.  Sip two teaspoonfuls of the juice daily to help cleanse the liver. Remember not always. 
Just for 3 or 4 days to maintain health will do.
