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Showing posts from February, 2012

Malaysian Herbs (12) KARPURA VALLI கற்பூர வள்ளி COLEUS AMBONICUS  KARPURA VALLI  கற்பூரவள்ளி Good morning everybody! Today I am bound to talk about our children's phlagm.  We are Malaysians. We must be out of being sick at the early stages because we are living in a fertile greenery-covered country. Our air is not polluted yet. So our children must be healthy. If they are not then we are not following our forefather's ways. Right? Where were we slacked? O.k. I will tell you. Are we bathing our children daily head to foot? Oh no. You are admitting the truth. You are scared that they will get the flu? Do not mistake me. We are living in a tropical country. Our bodies are hot. We must bathe from head to feet every day.; not just lub our body or bathe till the neck. It is wrong to do since this will make your head heat up. Well if your child is given cooling oils such as   Agasthiar Kannai Ennai and daily bath with Agasthiar Neer Korvai Oil or  Agasthiar ...

Malaysian Herbs (11)Psyllium Husk இஸ்போகல் Psyllium husk (Plantago psyllium) Psyllium இதுவே நாம் இஸ்போகல் வித்து என்று அழைப்பது. இஸ்போகல்   எ னப்படும் இதனை மலத்தை இளக்கவும்,கொழுப்பைக்குறைக்கவும் பயன்படுத்துவர். The popular name assig ned to the plant genus Plantago is also known as psyllium.   The seeds of this plant are widely used for its mucilage. The varied species of Plantago known as psyllium or Indian Plantago are annual herbs that are native to the Mediterranean region of southern Europe and North Africa. The word psyllium is said to have originated from a Greek word for a flea, which explains the size, shape, and whitish color of the seed, which is the most important commercial part of this plant. The stemless annual bears dark green leaves arranged alternately in a basal rosette, giving rise to an erect spike of dull, wind-pollinated flowers. Psyllium is quickly becoming one of the top recommendations for people usin...