ஆவாரையில் ஓரினம் Java bean This page is about the Cassia tora described by Linnaeus . Later authors usually applied the taxon to Senna obtusifolia . Common Name: Sicklepod, Chinese senna, Coffeeweed, Java-bean. Scientifci Name: Senna obtusifolia. Synonym: Cassia tora, Cassia obtusifolia, Cassia humilis. Family: Fabaceae. Plant type: Annual or perennial herb. Height: 12-24 in. (30-60 cm). Flower color: Bright Yellow. Description: The stems are light green, Branched. Leaves alternate, Pinnate leaf, Obovate (3-5 cm long, 2-4 cm wide,), Bracts ovate or lanceolate, 2-5 mm long. Its leaves, seeds, and root are used in folk medicine, primarily in Asia. Origin The exact native range of this species is obscure, but it is thought to be native to the Indian sub-continent (i.e. India, Bhutan, Nepal, eastern Pakistan, Sr...
This heartfelt message emphasizes the benefits of embracing herbal remedies for better health. It highlights that using natural herbs can help reduce toxins in the body, promote overall well-being, and potentially extend one’s lifespan. Recognizing herbs as nature's gifts, the message encourages individuals to incorporate them into their daily lives for a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.