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Showing posts from December, 2014

Malaysian Herbs -----Ammaman Pacharisi -Euphorbia Hirta(103) அம்மம்மான் பச்சரிசி Euphorbia Hirta       அம்மம்மான் பச்சரிசி                        The flower of this herb is useful for lactating mothers. For this the flowers are collected and ground to a fine paste using milk. This is then mixed in a glass of milk and taken in the mornings alone for a week. This is found to help in improving milk secretion. The leaves of the herb are sauté along with garlic and shallots. Make a fine paste of this. This paste (thuvaiyal in Tamil) is taken with rice. This is found to cure constipation and bring down the body ‘heat’. Application of the paste of the leaves on boils and swellings is found to cure them rather quickly. White discharge in women can be cured with this herb. Leaves of the herb are ground to a paste and then mixed in a glass of buttermilk. This should be taken on empty stomach in the mornings for five days. This is found to cure white d...

Malaysian Herbs--- Manjal Karisalai - (102) Wedelia calendulacea மஞ்சள் கரிசலாங்கண்ணி Wedelia chinensis             மஞ்சள் கரிசலாங்கண்ணி Manjalkarisalankanni /  Wedelia calendulacea  (yellow) Karisalankanni, as it is known in Tamil (bhringaraj - Sanskrit). There are three varieties of bhringarajah - blue, white and yellow.  The Tamil name for the yellow variety is manjal karisalankanni .  The three varieties of karisalankanni belong to the same family - Asteraceae. Manjal karisalankanni (Yello Karisaalai)reduces the body heat, Eye irritation, stops the dandruff, blackens the hair, stops the hair fall, stimulates hair growth, reduces the premature graying. Use:  flower as decoration for all kinds of food, fresh leaf lettuce for.  Medicinal herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Has a liver protective and is a general tonic. Active ingredient: Wedelolactone கரிசலாங்கண்ணி மருத்துவ பயன்கள் மஞ்சள் கரிசலாங்கண்ணி பற்றிய பாடல்: திருவுண்டாம் ஞானத்தெளிவுண்ட...

Malaysian Herbs- (101)Senna candolleana Senna  (from  Arabic   sanā ), the  sennas , is a large  genus  of  flowering plants  in the legume  family   Fabaceae , and the subfamily  Caesalpinioideae . This  diverse  genus is  native  throughout the  tropics , with a small number of  species  in temperate  regions. The number of species is estimated to be from about 260  to 350. The  type species  for the genus is  Senna alexandrina . About 50 species of  Senna  are known in  cultivation . Senna  includes herbs,  shrubs , and  trees . The leaves are  pinnate  with opposite paired leaflets. The  inflorescences  are racemes  at the ends of branches or emerging from the leaf axils. The flower has five  sepals  and five usually yellow  petals . There are ten straight  stamens . The stamens may be differen...