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Malaysian Herbs- Pinnapple (Ananas comosus)-(52)அன்னாசிப்பழம்

  Pinnapple                   அன்னாசிப்பழம் One of the most prized and popular fruits, pineapple or "ananas" has an interesting history to narrate. The fruit is actually indigenous to Paraguay, in South America. It spread from its native by the local Indians up through the South and Central Americas and to the West Indies. Later, it was brought to Spain when Columbus discovered Americas’ in 1493, from where; it spread to rest of the world by the sailors (just like tomatoes) who carried it along with them for protection from  scurvy  (a disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin C) wherever they went. Scientifically, it is known as  "Ananas comosus"  and belongs to the family of  Bromeliaceae,  in the genus;  Ananas . Pineapple is a tropical, perennial, drought-tolerant plant that grows up to 5-8 ft in height and spreads around about three ...

Malaysian Herbs -Calotropis Gigantea-- (51)எருக்கஞ்செடி   எருக்கம் செடி Calotropis gigantea (Crown flower) is a species of Calotropis native to Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Sri  Lanka, India, and China  Calotropis gigantea. Common names: Giant Milkweed, Crown Flower, Swallow Wort. Plant: 2.4-3m.Common Hindi names: Aak, Alarkh, Madar, Sveta Arka. Flower: 5.1cm across. One of the two common species of Calotropis, native to India. The other being Calotropis procera (Rakta Arka). Calotropis grows wild up to 900 meters throughout the country on a variety of soils in different climates, sometimes where nothing else grows. Calotropis is used as a traditional medicinal plant with unique properties.  Traditionally Calotropis is used alone or with other medicinals to treat common diseases such as fevers, rheumatism, indigestion, cough, cold, eczema, asthma, elephantiasis, nausea, vomiting,and diarrhea. According to Ayurveda, dried whole plant is a ...

Malaysian Herbs-Mentha diemenica-(50) MINT FAMILY TASMANIA'S  HERB When   you note clearly  You can see this herb through out  Malaysia  Mentha dementia About twenty-five species of  Mentha  are distributed worldwide, six being endemic to Australia. All have aromatic foliage, a characteristic of the Lamiaceae family, to which they belong .  Mentha diemenica  occurs in grassland and forest habitats from the Mt Lofty Ranges in South Australia, throughout Victoria and Tasmania, and north to the Blue Mountains of New South Wales. It is a strongly suckering plant that in cold, dry conditions may become dormant, but when growing vigorously, it forms a dense ground cover 10-15 cm high. The dull green,  opposite  leaves are  ovate  to  lanceolate  and 4-12 cm long. They are usually  entire , but occasionally obscure teeth are noticed on the leaf margins. Leaves may be  sessile  or have a short  peti...

Malaysian Herbs(49)-Ricinus Communis-ஆமணாக்குச்செடி Ricinus communis-ஆமணாக்குச்செடி The castor oil plant, Ricinus communis, is a species of flowering plant in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. It belongs to a monotypic genus, Ricinus, and subtribe, Ricininae. The evolution of castor and its relation to other species are currently being studied using modern genetic tools. Its seed is the castor bean which, despite its name, is not a true bean. Castor is indigenous to the southeastern Mediterranean Basin, Eastern Africa, and India, but is widespread throughout tropical regions (and widely grown  in Malaysia and elsewhere as an ornamental plant). Castor seed is the source of castor oil, which has a wide variety of uses. The seeds contain between 40% and 60% oil that is rich in triglycerides, mainly ricinolein. The seed contains ricin, a toxin, which is also present in lower concentrations throughout the plant. An unrelated plant species, Fatsia japonica, is similar in  appe...

Malaysian Herbs- OAK-QUERCUS ALBA (48)             OAK TREE Quercus alba Oak  wood  has a density of about 0.75 g/cm 3 , great strength and hardness, and is very resistant to insect and fungal attack because of its high  tannin  content White oak has served as the official  state tree  of  Illinois  after selection by a vote of school children. There are two "official" white oaks serving as state trees, one located on the grounds of the governor's mansion, and the other in a schoolyard in the town of  Rochelle . The white oak is also the state tree of  Connecticut  and  Maryland . The  Wye Oak , probably the oldest living white oak until it fell because of a thunderstorm on June 6, 2002, was the honorary state tree of Maryland Quercus alba , the  white oak , is one of the pre-eminent  hardwoods  of eastern North America. It is a long-lived  oak  of the family Fa...