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Malaysian Herbs-- Cassia angustifolia Vahl.(79)-திருநெல்வேலி சென்னா Thirunel velli senna   Cassia angustifolia  Vahl. Senna  includes herbs,  shrubs , and  trees . The leaves are  pinnate  with opposite paired leaflets. The  inflorescences  are  racemes  at the ends of branches or emerging from the leaf axils. The flower has five  sepals  and five usually yellow  petals . There are ten straight  stamens . The stamens may be different sizes, and some are  staminodes . The fruit is a  legume  pod containing several seeds English : Indian senna, Thirunelvelly senna Cassia angustifolia Hindi Sanay,  Sana  ka patt Kannada Nelavarike, Sonamukhi Malayalam Sunnamukki, Connamukki Sanskrit Sivarnapatti Telugu Nela tangedu Tamil Nilavarai, Nelavakai Cassia angustifolia is a drought resistant plant. It is a native plant of  Saudi Arabia . But, nowadays it is grown widely in  India  also. It ...

Malaysian Herbs - Senna spectabilis -(78) (Spectacular Cassia) ஆவாரை இனம் ஆவாரையில் ஓரினம் Senna spectabilis (Spectacular Cassia) Senna spectabilis  has been introduced to Africa as an  ornamental  and a boundary marker. It timber is not highly valued but it produces good quality firewood. Senna  (from  Arabic   sanā ), the  sennas , is a large  genus  of  flowering plants  in the legume  family   Fabaceae , and the subfamily  Caesalpinioideae . This  diverse  genus is  native  throughout the  tropics , with a small number of  species  in temperate  regions. The number of species is estimated to be from about 260  to 350. The  type species  for the genus is  Senna alexandrina . About 50 species of  Senna  are known in  cultivation . Senna  includes herbs,  shrubs , and  trees . The leaves are  pinnate  with opposite paired leaflets. The  infloresc...

Malaysian Herbs-- Senna Tora-Java Bean (77)ஆவாரையில் ஓரினம்                ஆவாரையில் ஓரினம் Java bean   This page is about the  Cassia tora  described by  Linnaeus . Later authors usually applied the  taxon  to   Senna obtusifolia . Common Name: Sicklepod, Chinese senna, Coffeeweed, Java-bean. Scientifci Name: Senna obtusifolia. Synonym: Cassia tora, Cassia obtusifolia, Cassia humilis. Family: Fabaceae. Plant type: Annual or perennial herb. Height: 12-24 in. (30-60 cm). Flower color: Bright Yellow. Description: The stems are light green, Branched. Leaves alternate, Pinnate leaf, Obovate (3-5 cm long, 2-4 cm wide,), Bracts ovate or lanceolate, 2-5 mm long. Its leaves, seeds, and root are used in folk medicine, primarily in Asia. Origin The exact native range of this  species  is obscure, but it is thought to be native to the Indian sub-continent (i.e. India, Bhutan, Nepal, eastern Pakistan, Sr...