வண்டுகடி செடி
Commonly known as: candle bush, candlesticks, large-leafletted eglandular senna, ringworm shrub • Hindi: एड़गज ergaj, प्रपुन्नाड prapunnad • Kannada: ಸೀಮೆ ಅಗಸೆ sime agase • Malayalam: puzhukkadittakara •Marathi: शिमई अगसे shimai agase • Sanskrit: एडगजः edagaja, प्रपुनाल prapunal, उरभ्रः urabhrh, उरणक्षकः uranakshaka • Tamil: சீமையகத்தி cimai-y-akatti, வண்டுகொல்லி vantu-kolli • Telugu: అవిచిచెట్టు avicicettu, మెట్టతామర metta-tamara, సీమ అవిసె siima avise, తంటెము tantemu • Urdu: ايڙگج ergaj
Native to: tropical South America (the Amazon rainforest); naturalised elsewhere in tropics
The primary part used for herbal purposes is the leaves, although the roots and flowers are also used for certain preparations with medicinal value. The extracts from the Akapulko plant are commonly used as an ingredient for lotions, soaps, and shampoos.
வண்டுகடி செடி

Commonly known as: candle bush, candlesticks, large-leafletted eglandular senna, ringworm shrub • Hindi: एड़गज ergaj, प्रपुन्नाड prapunnad • Kannada: ಸೀಮೆ ಅಗಸೆ sime agase • Malayalam: puzhukkadittakara •Marathi: शिमई अगसे shimai agase • Sanskrit: एडगजः edagaja, प्रपुनाल prapunal, उरभ्रः urabhrh, उरणक्षकः uranakshaka • Tamil: சீமையகத்தி cimai-y-akatti, வண்டுகொல்லி vantu-kolli • Telugu: అవిచిచెట్టు avicicettu, మెట్టతామర metta-tamara, సీమ అవిసె siima avise, తంటెము tantemu • Urdu: ايڙگج ergaj
Native to: tropical South America (the Amazon rainforest); naturalised elsewhere in tropics
Akapulko or Acapulco in English is a shrub found throughout the Philippines and Malaysia. It is known under various names in different regions of the country. Locals call the plantkatanda, andadasi, and palochina in Tagalog, Ilocos, and in the Visayas regions, and In Malaysia it is called Vandu kadi chedi, respectively.
The shrub belongs to the family of Leguminosae and grows about one to two meters tall. It has thick branches and the leaves are embraced with 8 to 20 leaflets that are oblong-elliptical in shape. The flowers of the Akapulko have oblong sepals, and its fruits are tetragonal, which are also winged and glabrous. A medicinal herb that contains chrysophanic acid, a fungicide used to treat fungal infections, like ringworms, scabies, and eczema. Akapulko also contains saponin, a laxative that is useful in expelling intestinal parasites.
The shrub belongs to the family of Leguminosae and grows about one to two meters tall. It has thick branches and the leaves are embraced with 8 to 20 leaflets that are oblong-elliptical in shape. The flowers of the Akapulko have oblong sepals, and its fruits are tetragonal, which are also winged and glabrous. A medicinal herb that contains chrysophanic acid, a fungicide used to treat fungal infections, like ringworms, scabies, and eczema. Akapulko also contains saponin, a laxative that is useful in expelling intestinal parasites.
Benefits &
Treatment of Akapulko
Treatment of Akapulko
- External Use:
- Treatment of skin diseases:
- Tinea infections, insect bites, ringworms, eczema, scabies and itchiness.
- Mouthwash in stomatitis
- Internal use:
- Expectorant for bronchitis and dyspnoea
- Alleviation of asthma symptoms
- Used as diuretic and purgative
- For cough & fever
- As a laxative to expel intestinal parasites and other stomach problems.
Note: A strong decoction of Akapulko leaves is
an abortifacient. Pregnant women should not
take decoction of the leaves or any part of this
If you do not live in a frostfree climate, try growing a few Christmas candles along with castor beans (Ricinus cummunis), banana plants (Musa X paradisiaca), and yuca (Manihot esculenta) to have a little bit of tropical lushness in your temperate zone garden. All these will die to the ground in winter, of course, but they grow so fast (banana returning from its roots, yuca from a cutting, and the others from seed) that you will have a tall, robust tropical-looking garden by the end of Zone 7, 8 or 9 summer. In frost-free areas, use Christmas candles in a shrub border or as a specimen plant. The bright yellow flowers attract insects, including butterflies and bees. In my garden, there are almost always some fire ants on the flowers (and even I don't consider that a plus). Christmas candle has a long blooming season, from autumn throughout the winter, or at least until the first frost.
Christmas candle is an evergreen shrub or small tree in frost-free areas, but is often grown as an annual in cooler climes. When it doesn't get frozen back, the Christmas candle can get up to 30 ft (10 m) tall and, with its candelabra branching, as much as 15 ft (3 m) across. The huge pinnate leaves are up to 30 in (75 cm) long and composed of 7-14 pairs of large, oblong leaflets, each around 3-8 in (8-20 cm) long and 1-4 in (3-10 cm) wide. The cup shaped flowers are bright yellow, and carried in erect terminal clusters arising from leaf axils. The individual flowers are about an inch (2.5 cm) across. The standard is the longest petal and the other petals are similar to each other. The sepals that protect the flowers before they open are waxy and smooth to the touch. The candle-like flower clusters include open flowers at the bottom and unopened flowers with their waxy coverings at the top. The clusters stand 6-24 in (15-60 cm) tall. The fruit is a straight or slightly curved, winged pod around 4-8 in (11-19 cm) long. Late in the season, the inflorescence will have dry, brown pods at the bottom; green, still ripening pods above that; open flowers above that; and waxy sepal-covered flowers at the top.
Senna (or Cassia) alata hails from the Tropics, including Africa, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and even tropical America. Such a widespread natural distribution for a single species is very uncommon.
Senna (or Cassia) alata hails from the Tropics, including Africa, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and even tropical America. Such a widespread natural distribution for a single species is very uncommon.
Light: No surprise here - Christmas candle performs best in full sun.
Moisture: Normal garden soils and moisture suit this tropical shrub quite well. Mature plants are drought resistant.
Hardiness: USDA Zones 10-11. Christmas candle is a tropical shrub that dies as soon as temperatures get near freezing. But in Zones 7,8 and 9 you can grow it as an annual. Just start from seed along with your peppers and tomatoes each spring. It will still get 6-10 ft (2-3 m) tall and begin blooming in October.
Propagation: Christmas candle is easy to start from seed, and you can expect volunteer seedlings to emerge under last year's plants in late spring when soil temperatures warm. However, we recommend starting seeds indoors several weeks before the last frost to give the plants a head start on the season.
Light: No surprise here - Christmas candle performs best in full sun.
Moisture: Normal garden soils and moisture suit this tropical shrub quite well. Mature plants are drought resistant.
Hardiness: USDA Zones 10-11. Christmas candle is a tropical shrub that dies as soon as temperatures get near freezing. But in Zones 7,8 and 9 you can grow it as an annual. Just start from seed along with your peppers and tomatoes each spring. It will still get 6-10 ft (2-3 m) tall and begin blooming in October.
Propagation: Christmas candle is easy to start from seed, and you can expect volunteer seedlings to emerge under last year's plants in late spring when soil temperatures warm. However, we recommend starting seeds indoors several weeks before the last frost to give the plants a head start on the season.
This shrub-sized patch of Christmas candle is growing in Zone 8 where it dies back in winter and renews itself each spring. |
If you do not live in a frostfree climate, try growing a few Christmas candles along with castor beans (Ricinus cummunis), banana plants (Musa X paradisiaca), and yuca (Manihot esculenta) to have a little bit of tropical lushness in your temperate zone garden. All these will die to the ground in winter, of course, but they grow so fast (banana returning from its roots, yuca from a cutting, and the others from seed) that you will have a tall, robust tropical-looking garden by the end of Zone 7, 8 or 9 summer. In frost-free areas, use Christmas candles in a shrub border or as a specimen plant. The bright yellow flowers attract insects, including butterflies and bees. In my garden, there are almost always some fire ants on the flowers (and even I don't consider that a plus). Christmas candle has a long blooming season, from autumn throughout the winter, or at least until the first frost.
Christmas candle is one source of chrysophanic acid, which is used in medicines that treat certain skin diseases, including ringworm. The compound is believed to have antiviral properties as well.
Senna and Cassia are two genera that are sometimes combined, sometimes not and contain species that can't seem to decide which genus they should be in. (Or is the botanists who can't decide?) Recent authors list about 260 species of Senna and 535 species of Cassia. Most are tropical, but both genera include a few temperate species.
Senna and Cassia are two genera that are sometimes combined, sometimes not and contain species that can't seem to decide which genus they should be in. (Or is the botanists who can't decide?) Recent authors list about 260 species of Senna and 535 species of Cassia. Most are tropical, but both genera include a few temperate species.
Preparation & Use
- For external use, pound the leaves of the Akapulko plant, squeeze the juice, and apply to affected areas.
- As the expectorant for bronchitis and dyspnoea, drink decoction (soak and boil for 10 to 15 minutes) of Akapulko leaves. The same preparation may be used as a mouthwash, stringent, and wash for eczema.
- As a laxative, cut the plant parts (roots, flowers, and leaves) into a manageable size then prepare a decoction Note: The decoction loses its potency if not used for a long time. Dispose of leftovers after one day.
- The pounded leaves of Acapulco have purgative functions, specifically against ringworms.
It should be noted that the pounded leaves of this plant may be applied thinly on the affected part twice a day. Marked improvement may be expected after two to three weeks of continuous application to the affected area(s) where the prepared Akapulko leaves were applied.