Serenoa repens s aw palmetto plant s aw palmetto plant contains a compound that may reduce the symptoms of Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. Symptoms of an enlarged prostate include dribbling after urination and getting up many times during the night to urinate. SAW PALMETTO A very small type of fan palm, protected in the wild, now famous for extracts from its fruits which are used in treatments of prostate and urinary problems. Description : A very slow growing and very short palm, growing to 10-12ft, but often not exceeding 2-4ft. Part of the fan palm group, it has fan-shaped leaves composed of up to 20 leaflets. The common saw palmetto has green leaves but there are some silvery-green leaved types as well. Saw Palmetto's are also long-lived with many wild specimens believed to be well over 500 years old. Serenoa repens. commonly...
This heartfelt message emphasizes the benefits of embracing herbal remedies for better health. It highlights that using natural herbs can help reduce toxins in the body, promote overall well-being, and potentially extend one’s lifespan. Recognizing herbs as nature's gifts, the message encourages individuals to incorporate them into their daily lives for a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.