Scientists have found that saw palmetto can slow down 5-alpha redu ctase . This enzyme converts testosterone into a potent androgen hormone called dihydrotestosterone ( DHT ). Androgen hormones regulate the development of male characteristics. One old report of multiple studies on saw palmetto in the Journal of the Internat ional Society of Sports Nutrition did find that men taking saw palmetto over a 2-week period had higher levels of testosterone than those in the placebo control group. கற்றாளையில் ஓர் இனம் Sawpalmetto Native to the Coastal Plains from South Carolina to Florida, and west to Texas. This charming and trouble-free fan palm grows into a clump only 47 feet tall and wide. It adapts to a wide range of habitats, from sand dunes and dry scrub to moist woods and wetlands...
This heartfelt message emphasizes the benefits of embracing herbal remedies for better health. It highlights that using natural herbs can help reduce toxins in the body, promote overall well-being, and potentially extend one’s lifespan. Recognizing herbs as nature's gifts, the message encourages individuals to incorporate them into their daily lives for a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.