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Malaysian Herbs-- (35)spinacia oleoracea முளைக்கீரை spinacia oleoracea     முளைக்கீரை SPINACH Spinach is not known in a wild state. It probably originated in northern Iran, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan where related wild species such as  Spinacia tetrandra Steven ex M.Bieb. and  Spinacea turkestanica  Iljin can be found. It spread to China in the 7 th  century and to Europe in the 12 th  century. Spinach is now cultivated worldwide, mostly in temperate regions, but also in the cooler parts of the tropics. In tropical Africa it is grown to a limited extent in the highland areas of East and southern Africa. One of the most important potherbs cultivated, spinach is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is an especially good source of vitamins A and C. Planting and culture of Spinach Any good, well-drained garden soil will suit spinach provided it is not acid. The preferred pH is between 6 and 7. Soils that are more acidic should be limed at what...

Malaysian Herbs -(26)santalinu செஞ்சந்தனம் சிவப்புச்சந்தனம்  (ciwappuccantanam) Pterocarpus santalinu Pterocarpus santalinus , is a Southeast Asian tree of the pea family (Fabaceae). This species may have been the source of the sandalwood used in King Solomon’s temple. Many other woods are used as substitutes for true sandalwood. Red sandalwood is obtained from the reddish-coloured wood of  Pterocarpus santalinus , a Southeast Asian tree of the pea family (Fabaceae). This species may have been t he source of the sandalwood used in King Solomon’s temple. Pterocarpus santalinus  ( Telugu :  రక్తచందనము  (raktachandana), ( Tamil :  சிவப்புச்சந்தனம்  (ciwappuccantanam);  Red Sanders  or Red Sandalwood ) is a species of  Pterocarpus  native to  India . It is only found in south India in  Kadapa ,  Chittoor , and most of the hilly regions of  Nepal . In Nepal, sandalwood is one main and lucrative ...

Malaysian Herbs(25)சிறியாநங்கை சிறியா நங்கை என் பொதுவாக எண்ணப்படும்  அல்லது அறியப்படும் நிலவேம்பு Andrographis paniculata  This  is an erect annual herb extremely bitter in taste in all parts of the plant body. The plant  is known in north-eastern India as  Mah a -Tita , literally "king of bitters", and known by various vernacular names (see the table below).  As an Siddha herb it is called SIRIA NANGAI and for  Ayurveda  herb it is known as  Kalmegh  or  Kalamegha , meaning "dark cloud". It is also known as  Bhui-neem , meaning "neem of the ground", since the plant, though being a small annual herb, has a similar strong bitter taste as that of the large Neem tree ( Azadirachta indica ).  In Malaysia, it is known as  Hempedu Bumi , which literally means 'bile of earth' since it is one of the most bitter plants that are used in traditional medicine. The genus  Andrographis  consists of 28 ...