சிவப்புச்சந்தனம் (ciwappuccantanam)
Pterocarpus santalinu
Pterocarpus santalinus, is a Southeast Asian tree of the pea family (Fabaceae). This species may have been the source of the sandalwood used in King Solomon’s temple.

Pterocarpus santalinus (Telugu: రక్తచందనము (raktachandana), (Tamil: சிவப்புச்சந்தனம் (ciwappuccantanam); Red Sanders orRed Sandalwood) is a species of Pterocarpus native to India. It is only found in south India in Kadapa, Chittoor, and most of the hilly regions of Nepal. In Nepal, sandalwood is one main and lucrative markets for smugglers as a high price is paid for this wood in China. Since the exporting of sandalwood was legalized in Nepal, the underground market is growing and there are many arrests every year of those trying to smuggle this wood to China. It is a light-demanding small tree growing to 8 m tall with a trunk 50–150 cm diameter. It is fast-growing when young, reaching 5 m tall in three years even on degraded soils. It is not frost tolerant, being killed by temperatures of −1 °C. The leaves are alternate, 3–9 cm long, trifoliate with three leaflets. The flowers are produced in short racemes. The fruit is a pod 6–9 cm long containing one or two seeds.
Useful part
Pterocarpus santalinu
Pterocarpus santalinus, is a Southeast Asian tree of the pea family (Fabaceae). This species may have been the source of the sandalwood used in King Solomon’s temple.
Many other woods are used as substitutes for true sandalwood. Red sandalwood is obtained from the reddish-coloured wood of Pterocarpus santalinus, a Southeast Asian tree of the pea family (Fabaceae). This species may have been the source of the sandalwood used in King Solomon’s temple.
Heartwood, fruits, stem bark
Medicinal Uses
Headache, burning sensation, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, boils, scorpion sting, skin diseases, leprosy, ulcers, bleedings, inflammations, fever, eye diseases, general debility, mental aberrations, semen coagulation
Major chemical constituents
lupenone, epilupeol, lupeol, Endemol, pterocarpolone, pterocarpol, cryptomeridiolIn Siddha medicine, red sandals and white sandals are the most needed herbs in Leyhiams to cool the three thoshas and the body. It is cut into small pieces as shown and then powdered to prepare medicines.