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Vitex trifolia Linn. நொச்சி

இது மூவிலைகளைக் கொண்டது.

An aromatic large shrub or small tree of about 3 meters in height with quadrangular branches; leaves opposite, estipulate, long petioled and 3-4 foliate. Flowers light blue in terminal panicled cymes; fruits globose or ovoid or obovoid, black when ripe.


Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, arthritis, inflammations, lumbago, headache, dyspepsia, colic, dysentery, wounds, ulcers, bronchitis, cough, hemorrhoids, dysmenorrhea and general debility.  

Useful part :
Whole part

  1. .The leaves are made into small pieces tied in bundles , heated and used for fomentation or ottradam in swellings, arthritis and pain all over the body due to increased pain  etc.
  2. The decoction of the root is given for vatha diseases, burning sensation of urethra, abdominal pain, intestinal worms etc.
  3. The leaf juice is prepared as oil and applied over the head for the inflammation around the neck.
  4. For head ache, sinusitis the leaves are used to prepare a pillow and is proved to be very effective for these conditions.
  5. The leaves are put in water, boiled and used for steam inhalation, perspiration occurs and this is an effective remedy for fever and body pain due to derrangement of vatham.
 In most of the Malay houses we can see these trees.They are grown for their benefits to human kind. When a child is born the mothes and drinks this decoction.
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