History and extraction
Tea Tree – டீ மரம் Melaleuca alternifolia
The indigenous Bundjalung people of eastern Australia use “tea trees” as a traditional
medicine by inhaling the oils from the crushed leaves to treat coughs and colds.
They also sprinkle leaves on wounds, after which a poultice is applied. In addition, tea tree leaves are soaked to make an infusion to treat sore throats or skin ailments.
medicine by inhaling the oils from the crushed leaves to treat coughs and colds.
They also sprinkle leaves on wounds, after which a poultice is applied. In addition, tea tree leaves are soaked to make an infusion to treat sore throats or skin ailments.
Use of the oil itself, as opposed to the unextracted plant material, did not become common practice until researcher Arthur Penfold published the first reports of its antimicrobial activity in a series of papers in the 1920s and 1930s. In evaluating the antimicrobial activity of M. alternifolia, tea tree oil was rated as 11 times more active than phenol.
Tea tree oil is toxic
when swallowed and itshould
Production ebbed after World War II, as demand for the oil declined, presumably due to the development of effective antibiotics and the waning image of natural products. Interest in oil was rekindled in the 1970s as part of the general renaissance of interest in natural products. Commercial plantations were established in the 1970s and 1980s, which led to mechanization and large-scale production of a consistent essential oil product
Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.
Component | Concentration |
terpinen-4-ol | 30–48% |
γ-terpinene | 10–28% |
α-terpinene | 5–13% |
1,8-Cineole | 0–15% |
α-terpinolene | 1.5–5% |
α-terpineol | 1.5–8% |
α-pinene | 1–6% |
p-cymene | 0.5–8% |
Tea tree oil has been scientifically investigated only recently. Some sources suggest beneficial medical properties when applied topically, including antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic qualities. It also has beneficial cosmetic properties.
Tea tree oil is active against Staphylococcus aureus, including MRSA Tea tree oil is less successful for application in the nose.] Also, there is clinical evidence that topical dermatological preparations containing tea tree oil may be more effective than conventional antibiotics in preventing the transmission of CA-MRSA
Recent studies support a role for the topical application of tea tree oil in skincare and for the treatment of various diseases and conditions. Tea tree oil appears to be effective against bacteria, viruses, fungal infections, mites such as scabies, and lice such as head lice. A 2008 study of in cytotoxicity showed a tea tree oil preparation was more effective against head lice than permethrin, a popular pharmaceutical remedy
In the treatment of moderate common acne, topical application of 5% tea tree oil has shown an effect comparable to 5% benzoyl peroxide. Albeit with slower onset of action, patients who use tea tree oil experience fewer side effects than those who use benzoyl peroxide treatments.
Tea tree oil is a known antifungal agent, effective in vitro against multiple dermatophytes found on the skin.[14] In vivo, shampoo with 5% tea tree oil has been shown to be an effective treatment for dandruff due to its ability to treat Malassezia furfur, the most common cause of the condition
One clinical study found that 100% tea tree oil administered topically, combined with debridement, was comparable to clotrimazole in effectiveness against onychomycosis, the most frequent cause of nail disease.[16]
The effectiveness of topical tea tree oil preparations for the treatment of yeast infection Candidiasis is supported by its ability to kill Candida in vitro.
There is some very limited research that has shown that tea tree oil may have topical antiviral activity, especially against the herpes virus (cold sores), chicken pox, shingles, blisters, etc
One study has shown a 5% tea tree oil solution to be more effective than commercial medications against the scabies mite in an in vitro situation.
[edit]In aquarium fish
Diluted solutions of tea tree oil are often used as a remedy to treat bacterial and fungal infections in aquarium fish. Common brand names are Melafix and Bettafix. Melafix is a stronger concentration and Bettafix is a lower concentration which makes it harder to overdose smaller fish, especially bettas. It is most commonly used to promote fin and tissue regrowth but is also effective in treating other conditions, such as fin rot or velvet. The remedy is used mostly on betta fish,] but can also be used with other aquarium fish, other than goldfish.
According to the American Cancer Society: "Tea tree oil is toxic when swallowed. It has been reported to cause drowsiness, confusion, hallucinations, coma, unsteadiness, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach upset, blood cell abnormalities, and severe rashes. It should be kept away from pets and children." Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) of medicinal quality, has been used successfully without problems of toxicity when taken internally under a qualified physician's directions. According to the LD50 g/kg charts, a person who weighs 70 kg (approx 154 lb) and is not allergic to tea tree oil would have to ingest 148 ml approx 5 oz) for it to be lethal. (See the book: Aromatherapy for Health Professionals, Price & Price, Foreword by HRH Prince of Wales, Third Edition)
A small number of people experience allergic contact dermatitis as a reaction to dermal contact with tea tree oil. In an Italian study of 725 consecutive patients, patients were patch-tested with undiluted, 1%, and 0.1% tea tree oil. For undiluted tea tree oil, nearly 6% of the patients observed positive reactions of skin irritation. Only 1 of 725 patients observed a positive reaction of skin irritation with the 1% dilution. None of the 725 patients observed adverse reactions with the 0.1% dilution. Allergic reactions may be due to the various oxidation products that are formed by exposure of the oil to light and/or air
External application of tea tree oil undiluted and/or at inappropriate high doses has been associated with toxicity, including death, in cats and other animals, due to ingestion during grooming.[
A highly disputed case study reported in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded that repeated topical exposure of lavender and tea tree oils may have caused prepubertal gynecomastia in three young boys.[28] The study involved just three individuals and found lavender to be the only common ingredient used by the boys in the study. While all three cases involved the use of products containing lavender oil as an ingredient, only one boy also used products containing tea tree oil. In all cases, the prepubertal gynecomastia reversed after several months. Researchers have noted that estrogenic or antiandrogenic activities have also been reported for some other commonly used essential oils, as well as some foods such as almonds and peanuts.[28] Others have cast doubt on the conclusions of the article and dismissed the study as having used "poor methodology". The research has been most criticized for making medically related conclusions about tea tree oil based on a single individual, while outside factors were more likely to have caused the condition. Critics of the study note that millions of people use products containing tea tree oil on a regular basis and there has never been another documented relation of tea tree oil and gynecomastia before or after this study was published
If used in concentrations below 4% or particularly below 0.25%, tea tree oil may fail to kill bacteria and create selection pressure, which may result in them becoming less sensitive to tea tree oil and even some antibiotics in vitro.
Undiluted tea tree oil can cause some hearing loss when used in the ears of animals; however, a 2% concentration has not been shown to have any lasting effect. It is not known whether the same is true for humans.Thanks Wikipedia
20 Great Ways to Use Tea Tree Oil
For Health
1. Use a dab to treat acne.
2. An anti-fungal for treating Athlete’s Foot, eczema, various yeast infections, etc.
3. An antiseptic to be used on cuts and burns.
4. An anti-viral: it may lessen the symptoms of colds and flu. Try using a few drops in the bath.
5. Add to a vaporizer to loosen chest congestion.
6. Add a small amount of shampoo to destroy head lice.
7. A small amount added to your bath can help with persistent body odor.
8. Treating sinus infection.
9. For dandruff and dry scalp.
10. In the form of aromatherapy, tea tree oil is used to treat colds, persistent coughs, acne, toothaches, and sunburn.
For Cleaning
11. To create an all-purpose cleaner, combine 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil in 2 cups of water in a spray bottle.
12. Another version would be 14 ounces of water with 1 ounce of Murphy’s oil soap and 10 drops of tea tree oil.
13. Mix the above solution with kosher salt to scrub the bathtub and bathroom tiles.
14. Add a few drops to the dishwasher dispenser, then fill with green soap.
15. A few drops added to each load of laundry leave your clothes smelling cleaner.
16. Control mold with a tea tree oil/water spray.
17. Remove mustiness with that same tea tree oil/water spray.
18. To keep germs at bay, spray it on high chairs, car seats, and other high-traffic spots.
19. 15 drops in a quart of water can be an effective insect repellent.
0Be sure to take some with you when hiking and camping to put directly on insect bites or blisters.
2. An anti-fungal for treating Athlete’s Foot, eczema, various yeast infections, etc.
3. An antiseptic to be used on cuts and burns.
4. An anti-viral: it may lessen the symptoms of colds and flu. Try using a few drops in the bath.
5. Add to a vaporizer to loosen chest congestion.
6. Add a small amount of shampoo to destroy head lice.
7. A small amount added to your bath can help with persistent body odor.
8. Treating sinus infection.
9. For dandruff and dry scalp.
10. In the form of aromatherapy, tea tree oil is used to treat colds, persistent coughs, acne, toothaches, and sunburn.
11. To create an all-purpose cleaner, combine 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil in 2 cups of water in a spray bottle.
12. Another version would be 14 ounces of water with 1 ounce of Murphy’s oil soap and 10 drops of tea tree oil.
13. Mix the above solution with kosher salt to scrub the bathtub and bathroom tiles.
14. Add a few drops to the dishwasher dispenser, then fill with green soap.
15. A few drops added to each load of laundry leave your clothes smelling cleaner.
16. Control mold with a tea tree oil/water spray.
17. Remove mustiness with that same tea tree oil/water spray.
18. To keep germs at bay, spray it on high chairs, car seats, and other high-traffic spots.
19. 15 drops in a quart of water can be an effective insect repellent.
0Be sure to take some with you when hiking and camping to put directly on insect bites or blisters.