South Africa leavesSummary : South Africa leaves the effectiveness of heat-clearing and detoxifying, feature heat and cooling blood, apply to lowering blood pressure, diabetes, wind-heat or blood-hot skin, and itching of the skin.
South African Plant or Pokok South Africa

Just before Ramadan this year, i.e. since August 2008, I have been suffering a severe nagging pain in the left hip and had tried various remedies to no avail. Thought of it as possible bone metastasis. Then one day, a guy mentioned to DH that he heard people talking in the coffee shop, about one plant named "Pokok South Afrika" that is said to be good for all sorts of pain and chronic illnesses. Well, DH was excited and showed the plant to the man. He said the practice is by soaking three to four leaves in hot water, covering them and drinking the water after a while.

What we did was, we soaked 6 leaves in a mug of boiling hot water. Covered them for a while. DH drank the water and I ate the leaves. It was like making full use of the limited leaves. After five days, red spots appeared on our thighs. DH panicked and stopped, in spite of me telling him that it was probably healing crisis.
Well, I continued, but taking three to four young leaves with my rice. I chewed the bitter leaves with some rice and gravy at the beginning of my breakfast or lunch. After swallowing the leaves, after the bitterness cleared (not as bitter as Andrographis paniculata or Hempedu bumi leave, slightly less bitter than Elaphantos scaber or Daun tutup bumi), there is a subtle sweetness and what was more pleasing to me was the fact that the leaves took care of my appetite or craving.
In the past, after eating nasi lemak, I will be craving for a sandwich or whatever I saw other people were eating, but with the leaves, not only I was satiated by half a pack of nasi lemak, but that was all, in fact for the rest of the day if I chose not to eat. No hunger pang, no craving. And yes, I forgot, the nagging pain is now just 10%, or rather I am not bothered by the pain anymore. That was after taking the leaves for a week. However, after the fasting month, I had also continued my twice-week jogging in campus. That probably helped too.

Lilly Chew told me that the leaves from Pokok South Afrika is a "cure-all." Saw Har, the other survivor who gave me the cutting, told me that she knew one lady who had cancer of the uterus or ovary, and while waiting for op day, had taken the leaves regularly and pre-op ultrasound showed that the tumor had regressed and the op was canceled. I am sure, that lady had other healing practices.
We usually hear such fantastic story about others who tried recommended remedy. I really don’t know whether it is truly a cure. Well, a placebo is also a cure, what I call “faith at work.” What I know is that I can’t afford to wait for its therapeutic trials whether in animals or in humans, but what I knew from taking the leaves is that it works for me. I guess those recommended herbs that are bitter, are good for us survivors. The bitter the better. Probably the bitter chemical inhibits the growth factor for tumours or cancer. ANYONE KNOWING THE SCIENTIFIC NAME, PLEASE HELP!
Well, so much for medicinal herbs. By the way, some of the shrubs and trees in my garden are turning into other live forms.

Labels: Pokok South Africa, South African plant
i think I have seen the pokok South Africa near the pedestrian path in Sri Hartamasin KL! It is v.tall and the stem ( or trunk) is thin, slender, and woody right. Daun nya macam sireh,but slimmer. The Nyonya who drew it says it is good for health and chews 1 raw leaf every day it seems. She doesn't know the Malay or English name. Next time I am up in KL I will get Anak Pokok to plant here in Kampung and ask Nyonya for the Chinese name.
Yes, it is very bitter....
Salam, Azmi
Actually, it is easily grown from cutting, so potong banyak2 dan cucuk aje dalam polybag...
Yes, bitter, but try chewing and swallowing, and take some bread or rice and you can actually taste a subtle sweetness...
Been reading your informative blog quite a while. Wonder if I can have your email or number so that I can get my C survivor friend to communicate with you. -Umi
Thank you.
My e-mail: nadim_s7@yahoo.com
i read in China, people juice the leaves with green apples and also make sandwiches with it. The Chinese name 南非叶
The rash, or in my case impetigo-like spots is pretty worrying. It became troubling after a month of consuming the leaves. It is good to write about it in a blog, thus I could reflect on the time frame for the side effects to because real nuisance.
Another thing, either South African leaves or the peria katak, had effectively wiped out all the friendly bacteria in my system, resulting in itchy vigina and perianal region, the consequence of overgrowth in candida. Candida is not good for cancer patients.
Thus effective from mid-December, I stop both Peria Katak and South African leaves.
Now, I am on just these herbs: 1/3 daikon a day, the clinacanthus nutas, strobilanthes cripus, and wheatgrass.
Thank you for sharing the info on the South African plant. Do you know its scientific name?
Joechia, the plant shown in that blog is gynura procumbens or in Malay Pokok Sambung Nyawa.
also check up on http://www.amazonbioenergetics.com/reports-graviola-drapeau.htm
best wishes,
It's bitter, but after a while, it felt like "sweetness" (don't know how to describe the taste, it's close to "sweet").
As for me, I felt I could sleep better at night after one glass.
I just planted 42 trees at my house in Puchong, KL. So easy to plant lar, even for people like me, who have never successfully grown any plant also can grow this tree. Just poke it into the ground and it will magically grow like no body business (I have a sense of success and satisfaction planting this tree.)
I saw the one in my brother's house can grow up to 15 feet, so not only it can be a good medicine tree, it can also be a very good fencing tree and sun blocker too. Thats why I planted 42 trees along my house boundary.
After 6 months, if you guys wanted to plant, may be you can come to my house to get it for free.
This is really a God sent tree.At July 03, 2011,