Catharanthus roseus--நித்தியக்கல்யாணி
Catharanthus roseus, commonly known as the Madagascar periwinkle, is a species of Catharanthus native and endemic toMadagascar. Other English names occasionally used include Cape periwinkle, rose periwinkle, rosy periwinkle, and "old-maid".
Scientists who were intrigued by the fact that traditional Madagascan healers used rosy periwinkle to help treatdiabetes decided to research other potential medicinal uses for the plant. They discovered hidden treasures within rosy periwinkle, in the form of chemicals that they could use to create medicines for cancer patients.
Miraculous Results:
The chemicals from rosy periwinkle that are used in medicines, which are called vinca alkaloids, have reduced children’s leukemia survival rates so dramatically that some people call rosy periwinkle a miracle plant. Before vinca alkaloids were discovered, the average survival rate from children’s leukemia was just 10 percent. But now that doctors can treat children with drugs made from vinca alkaloids, about 95 percent of all children with leukemia survive.
It is an evergreen subshrub or herbaceous plant growing to 1 m tall. The leaves are oval to oblong, 2.5–9 cm long and 1–3.5 cm broad, glossy green, hairless, with a pale midrib and a short petiole 1–1.8 cm long; they are arranged in opposite pairs. The flowers are white to dark pink with a darker red centre, with a basal tube 2.5–3 cm long and a corolla 2–5 cm diameter with five petal-like lobes. The fruit is a pair of follicles 2–4 cm long and 3 mm broad
In the wild, it is an endangered plant; the main cause of decline is habitat destruction by slash and burn agriculture. It is also however widely cultivated and is naturalised in subtropical and tropical areas of the world.
The species has long been cultivated for herbal medicine and as an ornamental plant. In Ayurveda (Indian traditional medicine) the extracts of its roots and shoots, though poisonous, is used against several diseases.[citation needed] In traditional Chinese medicine, extracts from it have been used against numerous diseases, including diabetes, malaria, and Hodgkin's lymphoma.The substancesvinblastine and vincristine extracted from the plant are used in the treatment of leukemia and Hodgkin's lymphoma.
This conflict between historical indigenous use, and recent patents on C.roseus-derived drugs by western pharmaceutical companies, without compensation, has led to accusations of biopiracy.
The species has long been cultivated for herbal medicine and as an ornamental plant. In Ayurveda and Siddha (Indian traditional medicine) the extracts of its roots and shoots, though poisonous, is used against several diseases.
In traditional Chinese medicine, extracts from it have been used against numerous diseases, including diabetes, malaria, and Hodgkin's lymphoma. The substances vinblastine and vincristine extracted from the plant are used in the treatment of leukemia and Hodgkin's lymphoma.
The species has long been cultivated for herbal medicine and as an ornamental plant. In Ayurveda and Siddha (Indian traditional medicine) the extracts of its roots and shoots, though poisonous, is used against several diseases.
In traditional Chinese medicine, extracts from it have been used against numerous diseases, including diabetes, malaria, and Hodgkin's lymphoma. The substances vinblastine and vincristine extracted from the plant are used in the treatment of leukemia and Hodgkin's lymphoma.
It can be dangerous if consumed orally.
It can be extremely toxic, and is cited (under its synonym Vinca rosea) in Louisiana State Act 159.
As an ornamental plant, it is appreciated for its hardiness in dry and nutritionally deficient conditions, popular in subtropical gardenswhere temperatures never fall below 5 °C to 7 °C, and as a warm-season bedding plant in temperate gardens. It is noted for its long flowering period, throughout the year in tropical conditions, and from spring to late autumn, in warm temperate climates. Full sun and well-drained soil are preferred. Numerous cultivars have been selected, for variation in flower color (white, mauve, peach, scarlet, and reddish-orange), and also for tolerance of cooler growing conditions in temperate regions. Notable cultivars include 'Albus' (white flowers), 'Grape Cooler' (rose-pink; cool-tolerant), the Ocellatus Group (various colors), and 'Peppermint Cooler' (white with a red center; cool-tolerant).
C. roseus is used in plant pathology as an experimental host for phytoplasmas. This is because it is easy to infect with a large majority of phytoplasmas, and also often has very distinctive symptoms such as phyllody and significantly reduced leaf size.