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Malaysian Herbs-Parsley=Petroselinum crispus(82)-பார்ஸ்லி சூப் கீரை

PARSLEY                                            Petroselinum crispus,

Do you know the benefits of parsley tea
This was used as one of the common herbal tea remedies in the past. Do you have it growing in your herb garden?
Parsley : Italian Parsley, also called Flat Leaf Parsley. Preferred variety for cooking and garnishes.
Parsley tea has been used for its therapeutic properties for centuries. The parsley plant, also known as Petroselinum crispus, is the most easily identified of all herbs. It name is from the Greek word meaning “rock celery” (it is a relative of celery).
It can be found in the produce departments around the world. This is probably the most familiar garnish used when plating food. There are two common varieties of parsley, curly and flat leaf (Italian) parsley. The Italian variety is more fragrant and has less bitter taste than the curly variety.Though fresh parsley often shows up as a garnish in soup or casseroles, it does have numerous health benefits. Not only is it an excellent source of vitamins A and K, parsley also supplies small amounts of potassium, iron and fiber. Besides using it as a flavorful herb in your meals, you may use it to make a steaming hot cup of tea that tastes delicious and is good for you. The parsley will infuse the tea with the same nutrients you'd get if you ate it raw. 
Ask your doctor before drinking it to make sure it won't interfere with any treatment or aggravate a medical condition.

Parsley tea is a herbal tea rich in vitamin C, and has numerous health benefits. It is veritably used in various cuisines, as well as a herbal medicine. It is said to be invented in the Mediterranean regions where it was consumed for its antioxidant properties and used for treating several medical conditions, like arthritis, anemia, gallstones, constipation, ear infections, and excess weight etc. It was also commonly used to induce periods. This herb is known to stimulate the body to begin menstruating quickly with less, or no cramps. The volatile oils from parsley tea can cause the blood to flow in the direction of the reproductive organs.

So, knowing its benefits, what could be the possible side effects of drinking this tea? There are not many scientifically recognized contraindications and interactions of the tea, but yes, there are some side effects that cannot be neglected either. Hence, caution must always be taken by pregnant women, people with kidney problems, and those with recurring diarrhea problems to refrain themselves from consuming parsley tea

In Pregnant Women

Avoid using parsley tea during pregnancy as it can cause uterine bleeding that may increase the risk of a miscarriage. This happens as stated earlier; the tea stimulates the blood to flow towards the reproductive system, i.e., the uterus and cervix of a pregnant woman. Consumption of parsley tea can cause muscle contraction of the uterus, too. It can also lead to several allergic reactions to the mucous membrane. Hence, to avoid the possibility of a miscarriage and other such side effects, a pregnant woman, or women who are trying to conceive, should stay away from this tea.

A mass of cow parsley, Anthriscus sylvestris, in High Elms Country Park on Easter Monday, 25th April 2011. It is a common hedgerow plant in this area.
     physicianpackiam                           (82)


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