small caltrops-சிறு நெரிஞ்சில்
It is well known diuretic plant drug useful in urolithiasis, dysurea, impotence and kidney dysfunction.The Tribulus Terrestris plant has a long history of uses.
People from around the world have used the Tribulus Terrestris plant to promote overall health, support healthy libido function already in normal range and increase muscle tone.*

Because of the plants reputed benefits, athletes have used Tribulus Terrestris extract dietary supplements to boost energy levels, to promote healthy hormone function, to enhance muscle tone and to support athletic training.* Although it's unclear how Tribulus Terrestris extract exerts its effects, scientific research has suggested several possible mechanisms of action.
Tribulus Terrestris contains steroidal saponins, alkaloids, and flavonoids, and its proto dioxins content is believed to be responsible for its effects on hormone, libido and body composition.*
Clinical research suggests that Tribulus Terrestris may support healthy libido function in humans, and that it may also support healthy blood pressure and healthy cholesterol profiles already in normal range.
Tribulus Terrestris Latin Name: Tribulus terrestris English Name: Small Caltrops Sanskrit / Indian Name: Gokshura Tribulus terrestris is a prostrate annual herb. Its principal constituent is harmine. It is a diuretic drug useful in urolithiasis, dysuria impotence and kidney dysfunction. It has tonic and aphrodisiac properties. physicianpackiam (96)