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Malaysian Herbs (12) KARPURA VALLI கற்பூர வள்ளி COLEUS AMBONICUS  KARPURA VALLI  கற்பூரவள்ளி Good morning everybody! Today I am bound to talk about our children's phlagm.  We are Malaysians. We must be out of being sick at the early stages because we are living in a fertile greenery-covered country. Our air is not polluted yet. So our children must be healthy. If they are not then we are not following our forefather's ways. Right? Where were we slacked? O.k. I will tell you. Are we bathing our children daily head to foot? Oh no. You are admitting the truth. You are scared that they will get the flu? Do not mistake me. We are living in a tropical country. Our bodies are hot. We must bathe from head to feet every day.; not just lub our body or bathe till the neck. It is wrong to do since this will make your head heat up. Well if your child is given cooling oils such as   Agasthiar Kannai Ennai and daily bath with Agasthiar Neer Korvai Oil or  Agasthiar ...

Malaysian Herbs (11)Psyllium Husk இஸ்போகல் Psyllium husk (Plantago psyllium) Psyllium இதுவே நாம் இஸ்போகல் வித்து என்று அழைப்பது. இஸ்போகல்   எ னப்படும் இதனை மலத்தை இளக்கவும்,கொழுப்பைக்குறைக்கவும் பயன்படுத்துவர். The popular name assig ned to the plant genus Plantago is also known as psyllium.   The seeds of this plant are widely used for its mucilage. The varied species of Plantago known as psyllium or Indian Plantago are annual herbs that are native to the Mediterranean region of southern Europe and North Africa. The word psyllium is said to have originated from a Greek word for a flea, which explains the size, shape, and whitish color of the seed, which is the most important commercial part of this plant. The stemless annual bears dark green leaves arranged alternately in a basal rosette, giving rise to an erect spike of dull, wind-pollinated flowers. Psyllium is quickly becoming one of the top recommendations for people usin... (10) NOCHI -நொச்சி

Vitex trifolia Linn. நொச்சி இது மூவிலைகளைக் கொண்டது.   An aromatic large shrub or small tree of about 3 meters in height with quadrangular branches; leaves opposite, estipulate, long petioled and 3-4 foliate. Flowers light blue in terminal panicled cymes; fruits globose or ovoid or obovoid, black when ripe.  MEDICINAL PROPERTIES   Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, arthritis, inflammations, lumbago, headache, dyspepsia, colic, dysentery, wounds, ulcers, bronchitis, cough, hemorrhoids, dysmenorrhea and general debility.     Useful part : Whole part .The leaves are made into small pieces tied in bundles , heated and used for fomentation or ottradam in swellings, arthritis and pain all over the body due to increased pain  etc. The decoction of the root is given for vatha diseases, burning sensation of urethra, abdominal pain, intestinal worms etc. The leaf juice is prepared as oil and applied ... (9)Cabbage முட்டைகோஸ் Our Daily Food Serves As Our Medicine முட்டைகோஸ் Yes! What ever we eat there is a vital value in it. Be it fruits, vegetables or grains and even flowers contain a lot of vitamins. But we don't tend to know the nutritious value in it; nor we care about it. Like other leaf vegetables, cabbage contains vitamin K, the blood-clotting vitamin produced naturally by bacteria in our intestines.  Additional intake of vitamin K may reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulants (warfarin, Coumadin, Panwarfin), so that larger doses may be required cooked. For Cancers And ulcers Don't think less about cabbage. After the 5th day of giving birth the breast will be tight and painful and the pain will pave her to get fever . Just apply 2or3 leaves under the bra and the pain will vanish off . For chronic ulcer drink the fresh juice one or two times along with Siddha medicine and you will be cured. Cabbages are also a goo... (8)Zingiber officinal இஞ்சி Ginger      Zingiber officinal    இஞ்சி  I s used as an aromatic carminative and pungent appetite stimulant; சுக்குக்கு மிஞ்சிய மருந்தில்லையாம்!  காய்ந்த இஞ்சி தான் சுக்கு! பிள்ளைகளே தெரிந்துக்கொள்ளுங்கள்! This is a good remedy for digestion. Everybody knows ginger. We consume ginger in our daily food but with out knowing their full beneficialness. For seasoning meat or chicken we need to simmer in ginger. This makes the meat tender and easy to digest. Ginger is effective against nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness, pregnancy, and postoperative recovery; it also may be effective and safe for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.. Ginger is an effective pain-killer against chronic knee pain. Do you know when your wife cooks things with ginger it helps to churn fat? It also prevents blood clots, probably better than aspirin and also helps reducing the levels of LDL choleste...

Malaysian Herbs (7) Sesbania Grandiflora அகத்திக்கீரை Malaysianherbs Sesbania grandiflora அகத்தின் அழுக்குகளை நீக்குமாம் அகத்திக்கீரை Humming Bird Tree    Sesbania Grandiflora  as it is called  Agathi in Tamil is used in cooking in  India ,  Sri Lanka ,  Malaysia ,  Indonesia ,  Vietnam  , mainly in the  South east Asia  pacific regions wherein its widely grown and eaten.There are two varieties grown in Malaysia. But the red variety is of more medicinal use and  is very rare to be seen.             The tender leaves, green fruit, and flowers are eaten alone as a vegetable or mixed into curries or salads. Flowers cooked with green peas serves as a tonic for weakening hearts. Tender portions serve as cattle fodder, (overeating is said to cause diarrhea). Ripe pods apparently are not eaten. The inner bark can serve as fiber and the white, soft wood not too durable, can be used for...

Malaysian Herbs- (6) BITTER GOURD பாகற்காய் Malaysianherbs BITTER GOURD This extremely bitter-tasting veggie it's disliked by almost everyone. But we'll tell you why they are good for you...   பாகற்காயின் அருமை பெருமைகள் தெரியாமல் பலர் தமது சின்னஞ்சிறு பாலகர்களுக்கு அதனை சிறு வயதிலேயே ஊட்டி வளர்கத்தவறுகின்றனர்.இது மிகப்பெரியத்தவறு என்பதை உணரவும் தவறுகின்றனர். Bitter gourd   more popularly known as karela, not only looks ugly according to some people but is gained notoriety for its extremely bitter taste. Scores of adults, youth, and children frown the moment they see this vegetable served on their plates. This uneven textured green vegetable is good for one's   health . It contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients and is especially highly beneficial for diabetics for lowering their blood sugar. Here are some   benefits   of the karela:   - Bitter gourd contains a hypoglycemic compound i.e. plant insulin that is very effective in keeping blood sugar...