Malaysian Herbs
MORUNGAI முருங்கை மரத்தை நாம்
அறியாததல்ல.ஆனால் அதன் ஒவ்வொரு பாகங்களும் எத்தனை மகத்தானவை தெரியுமா?
Moringa, popularly known as "The Multipurpose Tree of Life" is the sole genus in the flowering plant family Moringaceae. Moringa has 13 species altogether. They grow from tropical to subtropical climates. The trees range in size from tiny herbs to massive trees.
Moringa oleifera silviculture is currently being promoted as a means to combat poverty and malnutrition especially in third world countries.This is because, it grows quickly in many types of environments, and much of the plant is edible, including by livestock. The leaves contain all essential amino acids and are rich in protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and minerals. When the leaves are fed to cattle, it has been shown that there is increase in weight by 32% and milk production between 43 to 65% due to the high protein in the leaves.
What is Moringa Oleifera
In our county there are varities of medicinal trees growing. Without soiling and fertizing and watering too our greeneries thrive to live and yield us all the mineral values from our mother land. Most of us though do not realize it do get the beneficiary from the medicinal valued trees. ThankGod !
Today it is widely cultivated in Africa, Central andSouth America , Sri Lanka , India , Mexico , Malaysia Indonesia and the Philippines . Considered one of the world’s most useful trees, as almost every part of the Moringa tree can be used for food, or has some other beneficial property.
In the tropics it is used as foliage for livestock. The tree has its origin from theSouth Indian State of Tamil Nadu. This is a favorable dish of Indians. Be it soup or fried items or gravy and as medicine most of the Indians know the value from their forefathers and are using it mostly daily in their diet.
India 's ancient tradition of Siddha and ayurveda say the leaves of the Moringa tree prevent 300 diseases.
Gram for gram, Moringa leaves contain a lot of minerals and vitamins.
The leaves are highly nutritious, being a significant source of beta-carotene, Vitamin C, protein, iron and potassium.
The leaves are cooked as soups and used like spinach as a dish . Eye blindness can be cured at the small ages when there is lack of nutritional food for the poors.
Drum stick as its fruit is called can be cooked with meet and fish to give a delicious taste. You must be careful to get young drumsticks not the old onces.
MORUNGAI முருங்கை மரத்தை நாம்
அறியாததல்ல.ஆனால் அதன் ஒவ்வொரு பாகங்களும் எத்தனை மகத்தானவை தெரியுமா?
The generic names is derived from the Tamil word murunggi or the Malayalam word muringa, both of which refer to Moringa oleifera. The most widely known species is Moringa oleifera, a multi-purpose tree native to the foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India and cultivated throughout the tropics.
Another species which is the Morninga stenopetala is an African species. This type is also widely grown, but to a much lesser extent than the Moringa Oleifera.

Moringa oleifera, commonly known simply as "Moringa" (from Tamil: Murungai and Malayalam: Murunggi). Of all the species, this is the most widely cultivated of the genus Moringa
It is a highly nutritious vegetable tree. It also has a wide variety of potential uses. The tree itself is quite slender. The branches droop and they grow to approximately 10 meters in height. In cultivation, it is often cut back annually to 1 meter or less and allowed to regrow so that pods and leaves remain within arm's reach.
The Uses of Moringa Oleifera

The Moringa tree grows mainly in semi-arid tropical and subtropical areas. While it grows best in dry sandy soil, it tolerates poor soil, including coastal areas. It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree that apparently is native only to the southern foothills of the Himalayas .
Today it is widely cultivated in Africa, Central and
In the tropics it is used as foliage for livestock. The tree has its origin from the
Gram for gram, Moringa leaves contain a lot of minerals and vitamins.
The leaves are highly nutritious, being a significant source of beta-carotene, Vitamin C, protein, iron and potassium.
Drum stick as its fruit is called can be cooked with meet and fish to give a delicious taste. You must be careful to get young drumsticks not the old onces.
Best for impotency. Produces a lot of semen thus gives a very good understanding among couples. Morungai stands in the first place to serve us with vital energy.
Why not our Malaysian Government slightly turn its eyes to plant these trees as road side as nutrition yielding trees?
Murungai’ tree set to be big earner in Sabah
State-owned Korporasi Pembangunan Desa is venturing into the large-scale planting of the Moringa oleifera tree, locally known as murungai in Tamil, pokok kelor or marunggy, which has been described as one of the world’s most nutritious crops.
Its leaves are often used as an ingredient in soup or by themselves, and is said to be a significant source of beta carotene, Vitamin C, protein, iron and potassium.
Its oil, extracted from the seed, has traditionally been used in India for the treatment of sexual dysfunction in men.
The cooperative signed a RM12mil joint venture deal with peninsula-based Mitomasa Sdn Bhd to cultivate up to 400ha of the plant in the interior Nabawan district over the next three years.
The signing between cooperative chairman Ahmad Bujang and Mitomasa director Liliya Kong and representative Masatosi Mito was witnessed by Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Yahya Hussin here yesterday.
In his speech after the signing, Yahya said Sabah needed to fully exploit its biodiversity wealth and fame to tap into the country’s rapidly expanding herbal industry now worth RM10bil a year.