Solanum trilobatum
Siddhar's kaaya kalpa plant
Solanum trilobatum
Siddhar's kaaya kalpa plant

அன்பர்களே பலபேர்களின் ஆசையைப் பூர்த்திப்பண்ணும் வகையில் இதனைப் படமாகவும் பிரசரித்துள்ளோம்.
Thuthuvelai one of the kaaya kalpa plant plays an important part in neutralizing our 3 thoshas such as Vaatha -Pithaa-Kabha.
By taking this herb as chutney in our food or as rasam -Indian soup or by whatever means it does good to your body.
It regulates your blood flow and vitalizes your lazy body. Gives an energetic feeling after a fever or any viral sickness.
Purple Fruited Pea Eggplant is a thorny creeper with a bluish violet flower, more commonly available in Southern India has been used traditionally in the Siddha system of medicines to treat various diseases. This species is globally distributed.
Some times back each Indian reserved this plant and made use of it. Nowadays it is rare to get.
My father planted it as a beautifying creeper in front of our house. With the small fruits hanging like small grapes, the color was attractive. But at that age, i used to play with the fruits.
When making a paste as thuvaiyal or Indian soup the bitterness cannot be felt.
In one study, aqueous methanol and n-butanol extracts of aerial parts of Solanum trilobatum L.
In one study, aqueous methanol and n-butanol extracts of aerial parts of Solanum trilobatum L.
(Solanaceae) were tested for antimicrobial activity by the disc diffusion method. From the results, it was
found that extracts from leaves, flowers, stems, and fruits revealed antimicrobial activity against Gram (+)
and Gram (-) bacteria. Maximal antibacterial activity was seen against Klebsiella with aqueous extract
whereas methanol extract of stem showed maximal activity against Staphylococcus aureus. The
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) exhibited by S. trilobatum aqueous extracts against tested
organisms ranged between 0.06-0.5 mg/ml. The presence of tannins, saponins, flavanoides, phenolic
compounds, cardiac glycosides, and carbohydrates indicates S. trilobatum, is one of the potential
medicinal plants for therapeutic use.