Ficus Religiosa அரச மரம்
Yes it is very commonly seen! But how many of you have wondered to find out the benefits of this valuable tree?
Hindu Sathus still meditate beneath sacred fig trees, and Hindus do Pradakshina (circumambulation) around the sacred fig tree as a mark of worship. Usually seven pradakshinas are done around the tree in the morning time chanting "Vriksha Rajaya Namah", meaning "salutation to the king of trees."
Ficus Religiosa is a species of banyan fig and is a tropical tree. It is native to India Sri Lanka, southwest China and Indochina, and tropical countries. It belongs to the Moraceae Buddhist legend tells of Gouthama Buddha attained Enlightenment (Nganam) while meditating underneath the Bodhi Tree , Ficus religiosa. The site is in present day Bodh Gaya, northern India. The Bodhi tree and the Sri Maha Bodhi propagated from it are notable specimens of Sacred Fig. The known planting date of the latter, 288 B.C.E. gives it the oldest verified age for any flowering Mulberry trees.
Ficus Religiosa is a large, fast growing deciduous tree. It
has a heart shaped leaves. It is a medium size tree and has a large crown with
the wonderful wide spreading branches. It shed its leaves in the month of March
and April. The fruits of the Peepal are hidden with the figs. The figs are
ripening in the month of May. The figs which contain the flowers grow in pairs
just below the leaves and look like berries. Its bark is light gray and
peels in patches. Its fruit is purple in color. It is one of the longest-living trees.
Medicinal uses: Roots are used for gout and chewed to prevent gum diseases. The leaves are used in treating constipation, mumps, boils, palpitation, and cardiac weakness. A paste of the leaf is applied on wounds and bruises. The bark is administered for jaundice, gonorrhea, ulcers, and excessive urination. Seeds and fruits are good for VDs, and early ejaculation, and also increase spermatozoa. Peepal root is mainly used for neck problems and swollen lymphatic glands. It is usually applied to the affected part.
Will our citizens make use of this sacred tree?physicianpackiam (17)