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Malaysian Herbs-(119)கோடகசாலை                                                           

                                     கோடகசாலை--Justicia procumbens,

  இலைக் கசாயம் ஆஸ்துமா, இருமல், முதுகுவலி ஆகியவற்றுக்கு மருந்து. விதையை மாவாக்கி உண்கின்றனர்


commonly known as water willow, (Marathi: करंबल Karambal, पित्तपापडा Pitpapada, कलमाशी Kalmashi)(Tamil:கோடகசாலை--kOdakasAlai), is a small plant endemic to India.Justicia procumbens is a higher altitudes plant found commonly in humid areas.

The juice of leaves is squeezed in the eyes in case of ophthalmia.-One inflammation of the eye.

Justicia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Acanthaceae. It is the largest genus within the family, encompassing around 700 species with hundreds more as yet unresolved.They are native to tropical to warm temperate regions of the Americas, India and Africa. The genus serves as host to many butterfly species, such as Anartia fatima. Common names include water-willow and shrimp plant, the latter from the inflorescences, which resemble a shrimp in some species. The generic name honours Scottish horticulturist James Justice (1698–1763).They are closely related to Pachystachys.

Justicia procumbens is a slender, often tufted, prostrate or ascending, branched annual. Stems are 10 to 40 centimeters long. Leaves are elliptic to oblong-ovate or ovate, 7 to 20 millimeters long, 5 to 20 millimeters wide, obtuse at both ends, and entire or with slightly crenat ed at the margins.

This plant Water Willow is an perennial shrub plant having medicinal properties. The plant is also used as an ornamental plant due to its slender, tubular flowers.(119)



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