Abutilon, Indian Mallow
In traditional medicine, A. indicum is used as a demulcent, aphrodisiac, laxative, diuretic, pulmonary and sedative (leaves). The bark is astringent and diuretic; laxative, expectorant and demulcent (seeds); laxative and tonic, anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic (plant); analgesic (fixed oil); diuretic and for leprosy (roots) The whole plant is uprooted, dried and is powdered. In ancient days, maidens were made to consume a spoonful of this powder with a spoonful of honey, once in a day, for 6 months until the day of marriage, for safe and quick pregnancy. The leaves can also be used to treat ulcers, headaches, gonorrhea & bladder infection.

The plant is very much used in Siddha medicines. In fact, the root, bark, flowers, leaves, and seeds are all used for medicinal purposes by Tamils. The leaves are used asan adjunct to medicines used for pile complaints. The flowers are used to increase semen in men.
Abutilon indicum (Indian Abutilon, Indian Mallow; is a small shrub in the Malvaceae family, native to tropic and subtropical regions and sometimes cultivated as an ornamental. This plant is often used as a medicinal plant and is considered invasive on certain tropical islands.
துத்திச் செடி
is a small shrub in the Malvaceae family, native to tropic and subtropical regions and sometimes cultivated as an ornamental. This plant is often used as a medicinal plant and is considered invasive on certain tropical islands.In traditional medicine, A. indicum is used as a demulcent, aphrodisiac, laxative, diuretic, pulmonary and sedative (leaves). The bark is astringent and diuretic; laxative, expectorant and demulcent (seeds); laxative and tonic, anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic (plant); analgesic (fixed oil); diuretic and for leprosy (roots) The whole plant is uprooted, dried and is powdered. In ancient days, maidens were made to consume a spoonful of this powder with a spoonful of honey, once in a day, for 6 months until the day of marriage, for safe and quick pregnancy. The leaves can also be used to treat ulcers, headaches, gonorrhea & bladder infection.
A methanol extract of A. indicum had some antimicrobial properties. A chemical compound, β-sitosterol, which has been identified as the active ingredient in many medicinal plants, is present in A. indicum and a petroleum ether extract provided larvicidal properties against the mosquito larvae Culex quinquefasciatus
Abutilon indicum (Indian Abutilon, Indian Mallow; is a small shrub in the Malvaceae family, native to tropic and subtropical regions and sometimes cultivated as an ornamental. This plant is often used as a medicinal plant and is considered invasive on certain tropical islands.Botanical name: Abutilon indicum Family: Malvaceae (Mallow family)Common name: Indian Mallow, Country Mallow, Abutilon, Indian abutilon • Hindi: कंघी Kanghi • Marathi: पेटारी Petari • Tamil: Paniyaratutti • Malayalam: വെല്ലുരമ് Velluram •Telugu: Tuturabenda • Kannada: Tutti • Bengali: পোটারী Potari
Synonyms: Sida Indica
Indian Mallow is an erect velvety-pubescent shrub with circular-ovate or heart-shaped leaves with coarsely crenate-serrate margins. The plant can reach up to 1-2 m. The leaves are alternately arranged have long stalks, and have velvety, soft, pale hairs on them. Orange-yellow flowers, 2-3 cm across, occur solitary in axils, on long stalks, 4-7 cm. Orange-yellow petals are triangular-obovate, 1 cm long or slightly more, staminal-tube hairy with stellate hairs. Fruit is quite interesting - it is circular in shape, consisting of 11-20 radiating hairy carpels, brown when dry; each carpel flattened, somewhat boat-shaped. Seeds are kidney-shaped. The plant is a weed commonly found on disturbed land. Flowering: September-April Medicinal uses: Thanks to Flower of India pysicianpackiam